Sunday, June 24, 2012


Nowadays having a positive attitude is very important for every one of us; it could really help a lot of people. We could have a large number of benefits by having a positive attitude. Investigations and true stories about this topic show us that having a positive attitude can make us get wherever we want. I can mention people who are considered disabled because they have no legs or an arm like Oscar Pistorious, Laurent Molina or Bethany Hamilton, but, they don´t feel like that and have had a successfully and a normal life because of their positive attitude. If we have a positive attitude in everything we do, this could help us to have a better performance, overcome obstacles and achieve goals.

A positive attitude can make us have a unique view of the world to face anything we do. For a positive thinking person, everything is possible to get. Reading and watching stories about Pistorious, Molina and Hamilton shows how their positive attitude has improved their performance gradually and with consistently strong work. Positive attitude has enabled them to improve their competition times until obtaining titles and championships. For example, watching soul surfer we can see how Hamilton´s attitude takes her gradually to improve her performance and with a lot of work to show her she could be a champion.

On the other hand, overcoming obstacles is a lifestyle for them. They don´t think making mistakes are bad because it allows them to grow and improve their movements or techniques next time. If they face a problem or they make a mistake, they often learn something, and recover from it and find a solution to solve it. Learning from mistakes, people can easily adapt to different situations like they did. If people focus on the positive aspect of things, they will be happier and will be able to overcome every obstacle they can face.

Having a positive attitude is the first step to succeed, to achieve our goals. The positive attitude always comes in our mind but actually we do not use it. A negative attitude can make us feel tired, angry and frustrated most of the times. The use of positive thinking for example, can get us to reach every goal we have set in our life. Positive attitude makes us stronger and feel healthier by the way. Incredibly, with this kind of attitude there be goal we can achieve.

As we have seen in stories named before and any other examples in life, a positive attitude can help us to be succesfull. A positive attitude can make us feel better, increase our self esteem to fight hard to get where we can imagine. With an attitude like that, we can influence positively other people. Pistorious, Molina and Hamilton, inspired every person who knows their stories to go ahead. Limits are only in our minds; you decide if you believe in yourself or create limits in your head to justify something you can make better again until you succeed; sometimes it is not easy, but it is possible.

"Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success." - Dr. Joyce Brothers

Ronald Rodríguez Acosta
English III/ULACIT/2nd Quarter, 2012.

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