Sunday, July 15, 2012

If we have some people who are respectable, they are older people. Society must see them like very important people because they are the ones who built all what we can enjoy and share right now. Maybe, some of us, one day, will be elderly, have nieces and nephews and share valuable information and knowledge with future generations. Elder people need to be independent, respected and having society´s support to have a good quality of life and achieve their goals.
Nowadays, older people are considered for most of the people in our society like a problem, something else to take care of, an object. For this and many other reasons, many adults are afraid and sometimes they do not want to become elderly. In some cultures, elder people are considered wise because of all that they have learned through their life. Society must realize that they are still useful and they can provide interesting contributions in every area we need. What they need is independence; they need we make them feel they are important for us, for young and not so young people.
It is not possible that we think that when people get retired they are starting a way to death. No, elders are starting a new age in their life; they must be very motivated to achieve goals they thought years before. All of us, like citizens, humans, relatives, must respect elderl’s ideas. Some of them made a lot of sacrifices for others when they were young and now this the only time they have to enjoy and make their dreams come true. We must do what it is done in Japan; elders are considered wise and have a special position in their society.
Every human being has rights; it doesn’t matter if you are young, elderly, black or white. The CostaRican Government is making a good effort to take care of a portion of elderly people. For example, AGECO and CONAPAM are institutions that are providing programs for this part of the population. They have health and sports programs to protect them and provide them activities that help them to have physical and mental exercise. This population, for me, is a real treasure we must care for them and learn from them.
An elderly person has the same conditions like every other person to live, to learn, to enjoy. Society needs to learn again to see elderly people like any other person and not to marginalize them. We do not have to fear to become elderly; we must just prepare us for this beautiful age. I know many elderly people who run, are constructors, drive cars with no problem and have an independent and happy life. Remember most of them have worked very hard for others to enjoy some activities until this age and, they are not only special, they are lovely.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Nowadays, animal cruelty is a global problem rapidly growing in our society. Animals are being abused and starved everyday and a lot of helpless animals die each year because of heartless owners. There are many kinds of animal cruelty; the most common are scientific research, animal fighting, and abandonment. Non violence leads to the highest ethics; which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are savages. (Thomas Edison, 1847-19731, inventor)

First of all, a common kind of mistreatment to animals in our society is that scientists need to research to improve relevant matters like economy and products. Usually companies test products on animals for the safety of people. Monkeys, rats, dogs, and cats are some of their chosen used for laboratory investigation. The biggest problem with animal testing is that animals usually suffer in a traumatic experience. Many animals finish with burns, hair loss, rashes, gashes or they even die.

On the other hand, animal fighting, for me, is a real crime. It’s very cruel; here in Costa Rica some people think it is a sport. Animals are placed in an arena with each other, and they fight to death, most of the time innocent animals die. Some animals such as dogs and chickens are fought. Incredibly, they are only put in the ring for people’s entertainment; these people ruthlessly abuse their animals, and then make them animals kill each other. Thank God we have in Costa Rica a law that regulates this, the Health Ministry is fighting hard against this.

Abandonment is another kind of animal cruelty with animals. Some irresponsible people adopt a pet for example and when it grows up, they abandon it. Another kind of animal abuse is hoarding; many humans do that, in these conditions people cannot take care of animals just fine. Animals live in pens covered with feces and urine and, because of this, they suffer fatal diseases and die. In Costa Rica, we have especial organizations that receive animals, take care of them and, after that, they give them in adoption for example “Rescate Animal” who is integrated for volunteers. Please, support them to continue fighting.

These are three important reasons why all animals should be treated with love,: Domestic animal rights vs. wild animal rights, animal hoarding, animal fighting, and abandonment. Animal cruelty is a current issue, and should be eliminated before the world can progress towards being a better place. Many humans still look like savages currently; they hurt animals and do not respect their rights. It is time to stop this; it is everyone´s responsibility.