Wednesday, May 30, 2012



What would we do without technology on these days? Could it be possible to live without cell phones, computers, and other kind of technological devices? Nowadays, technology and media information are everywhere you can imagine, for example, on computers, smart phones, iPads, tablets until in other electronic devices like new and modern kitchens and refrigerators with screens and internet connection. Wherever you go or wherever you are, technology is close to you; you cannot avoid it. A smart and efficient use of technology can be a key element to be a better professional, family member and student.

First of all, executives, managers and other office workers must be on line many hours a day every week because they need to be updated very often. They can synchronize calendars, mail and any other tools and make them easier having information when they need it, of course, they can use filters to receive just what they need and can choose when they need time for personal matters and control it not to get stuffed. In my case, for example, I love technology, but I decide what devices to use and what media information to receive. I know when I need it for my job and when it must be turned off. My computer, iPad, smartphone, data card and any other kind of technology have improved my performance like a consultant because some things have been easier to do and to get.

In the second place, some families have been affected because of technology. Some parents have not been updated, some do not learn to use computers, social networks and manage information. However, on the other side, their children know all about it. That makes that parents cannot guide them and teach them the good use of technology and media info. I think parents must learn to use technology, have it at home but well managed, and this will avoid family socializing problems, if this happens, parents and children will eat together, share problems, and seat to have a conversation and do many other activities as a family.

In the third place, the benefits of technology for students are uncountable. Here I have to go back to the past to remember and tell the new generations that I was one of the students that saw and could use a computer when I was 12 years old. This computer used a basic draw program with a turtle. When I was in High school, I had to do homework and extra class assignments at a public library only with pens, pencils, and books, not even the library manager had a computer. Today, students have labs with computers, internet, wi fi, outlook, EBSCO and many other tools to be the best with less effort. Right now information for a student most of the times only depends on a simple click. This is easy, isn´t it?

Technology has a lot of benefits for every single human being. Parents must start to learn how to use technological devices and the information they can find in the web. Their children need to be supervised; they need to learn how to use technological tools and devices efficiently to become the best in every aspect of their life. Families need time together; they need to talk face to face, more often, meaning no phones, no computer or iPads. We need to organize and not to get addicted to tech devices. If you know how to use smartly and efficiently technology and media information, I guess your life will be easier and simpler.

Ronald Rodríguez Acosta
English III Student
Ulacit 2012

Friday, May 18, 2012


Hello everyone, this is my first news brief commentary input. Everybody must colaborate with this. We never know if we could need blood for a surgery or after an accident.
